
The major challenge of our times is to attend to the food and nutritional needs of the growing world population using a sustainable model that allows us to live in harmony with the planet. To do so, we have to maximize the efficient use of existing natural resources, as well as incorporating the most recent technologies, innovations and responsible practices in every food production system around the globe.

JBS is committed to helping the society face this global challenge in an environmentally friendly manner, working hard to improve the efficiency of our operations, minimize our environmental footprint, and offer nutritional options of protein to millions of consumers every day.

In practice, this commitment is manifested through three paths:


Our management approach is focused on operational efficiency, innovation and compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations.We promote an ongoing improvement model and acknowledge that environmental protection and preservation of resources offer value and safety to current and future generations.

In Brazil, JBS has an annual investment plan for environmental improvements with focus on treatment of effluents, management of solid residues, atmospheric emissions and greenhouse effect gases (GHG), and water use management. This plan is developed based on a comprehensive environmental diagnosis made by the Company to identify opportunities for improving the environmental indicators from processing plants in Brazil. The Investment Plan is updated on a yearly basis and has an extensive list of projects concluded.

The adhesion to these principles in the Company routine is guided by the Environment Policy, which presents standards and good practices to be applied and discloses environmental monitoring and control points in order to achieve seamlessness of actions and routine among all production plants.

JBS has a computerized system that manages environment and sustainability indicators from the production plants, such as use of water, generation and analysis of effluent, power consumption, vapor generation, residue generation, transportation, coolant gases, data on production, data on emission of greenhouse effect gases, among others. This system is fed by teams from each plant periodically. With this, it is possible to track the development of the plants and relate to the goals for reducing the consumption and generation of solid, liquid and gaseous residues by the Company, allowing better management for developing plans on prevention and reduction of impacts to the environment.

Our Environmental Management system, audited internally, is based on specifications from ISO 14001. In Brazil, however, JBS has the ISO 14001 certification for the plants in Itapiranga/SC, Ipojuca/PE 1, Gaspar/SC 2 and Campo Grande/MS 3. The Company’s environment management tools in Brazil come from these plants, where the best practices and management model are disseminated to other plants.

1 Production / Manufacturing of vegetable oils and shortenings and margarines

2 Production / Manufacturing of Vegetable Oils, Shortenings, Margarines, Vegetable Cooking Cream and Mayonnaise

3 Scope of certification: Production of frozen and chilled cuts, trims and giblets; casings, tripe and byproducts (meat and bone flour, tallow and fresh blood). Production of meat-derived frozen products, hamburger, meatballs, kibbeh and ground beef.

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