JBS is committing to be Net Zero
by 2040.

Global Public Commitment

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time.

As one of the world’s leading food companies, JBS wants to be part of the solution by becoming Net Zero by 2040.

We are pursuing our mission of meeting the health and nutritional needs of the growing global population in a sustainable manner that preserves the planet’s resources for future generations.

GHG Emissions Reduction Plan

Find out more about the reduction plan.

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How will JBS achieve Net Zero 2040
US$ 1 billion

US$ 1 billion in incremental capital expenditures over the next 10 years in emission reduction projects that will be evaluated by a committee consisting of JBS executives, academics and outside specialists.

Free from deforestation

Cattle supply chain free from deforestation in the Amazon (legal and illegal, PRODES 2008), Cerrado (illegal, PRODES 2020) and other Brazilian biomes by 2025 to include the suppliers of suppliers. Collective global risk assessment and development of additional implementation plans as needed for global 2030 no-deforestation target.

US$ 100mi
in research

US$ 100 million in investments in research and development, by 2025, of emission mitigation solutions, such as improvements in regenerative farming practices

100% Renewable sources

100% of the electricity consumed by our facilities to be obtained from renewable sources.


30% reduction of scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 2030, against base year 2019.

The company will provide annual updates about its progress, so as to guarantee the transparency of the entire process.

Read about all JBS strategies to be Net Zero.

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JBS initiatives already ongoing

We began our efforts more than a decade ago with significant investments in tangible environmental actions across our entire value chain:

Find out more about each initiative

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