Sustainable Leather

Based on the Company’s sustainability DNA, on demands from clients and on future consumer requirements for the product, JBS Couros launched, in 2019, the true Sustainable Leather – Kind Leather.

The new leather is made using an innovative process and a more efficient format, providing several environmental, social and economic benefits based on intelligent use of raw materials and resources.

The reuse of waste is one of the pillars of the program, which reduces the solid waste generated throughout the production chain by 93%.

Key benefits of Kind Leather:

  • Reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases: it emits 65% less CO2, when compared with a standard leather production (Wet Blue).

  • Reduction in water consumption: 52% of reduction in water consumption in the tanning phase.

  • Consumption of chemicals: it is, in average, 42% more efficient in the consumption of chemicals than a standard leather.

  • Reduction in power consumption: reduction of 62% in the use of energy.

*To learn more, please click here and visit the Program’s website.

JBS 360

JBS Couros has also launched in the market the first platform for monitoring the leather production process. The JBS 360 system allows accessing information from the origin, in the farm, to the final product, through the website Click here to learn.

Each item has an identification that allows tracking the group of farms where the raw material was sourced, the location of each farm, and also identifies the production plants and tanneries where the leathers were processed.

This way, it is possible to explore the entire supply chain of the Company, comprised exclusively of raw materials produced in compliance with the highest standards, that is, leathers coming from areas without deforestation, invasion of indigenous lands or preservation units, with no slave work conditions or violence in the field and agrarian conflicts.

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