Reverse Logistics

JBS supports nation wide programs in Brazil to promote reverse packaging logistics, to reduce the volume of waste sent to landfills and increase recycling in Brazil.

The Company is committed to recovering at least 22% of the volume corresponding to the packaging it places on the Market.

In compliance with the Law 12.305, which enforced the National Solid Waste Policy in 2014, JBS became a member of the Industry Package Agreement and of the “Prolata” Program, and has demonstrated relevant performance since then. Currently, at least 22% of the volume proportional to the post-consumer packaging of the company's products is recycled.

It is also worth mentioning publication of the Manual for Recycling Plastic created by JBS, which shares the knowledge accumulated about this subject and provides practical information about the materials sorting and selling operations of cooperatives, with the focus on enhancing management of the business.


JBS supports the Program City+ (Programa Cidade+), developed and managed by the NGO Recicleiros, which advises city halls on the implementation of selective collection while enabling companies to comply

with Law 12305 National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), which also requires investment in recyclable material collectors' cooperatives through training, infrastructure, donated equipment, among others. The program is committed to recovering 22% of the contracted volume in five years.


JBS is part of the Prolata Program, an initiative of the Brazilian Steel Packaging Association (Abeaço), in compliance with the PNRS since 2014.

The program operates on three pillars:

  • Reception/deposit centers, with a structure to receive large volumes;
  • cooperatives of recyclable material collectors;
  • Responsible for the work of social inclusion; and Voluntary.

Delivery Points (PEV), which interface with the end-consumer. The program is committed to recovering 28% of the steel packaging placed on the market. According to data provided by Abeaço, the program has already recycled more than 54,000 tons of steel.


In 2020, Swift started a project to offset 100% of its commercialized packaging, with the objective of neutralizing possible impacts of its packaging, going beyond what was established by the PNRS. For this, it signed a partnership with eureciclo, a reverse logistics certifier, resulting in more than 3,000 tons of materials removed from the environment. All products with the Swift brand will have the eureciclo seal, which is intended for companies seeking to communicate their concern and efforts to mitigate the impacts of their business on the environment.


To comply with the Industrial Package Agreement, JBS has adopted the following measures:

  • Was a member of ILOG from 2015 to 2018 to support the implementation of the Center for Recyclable Material Processing (CVMR) in Maringá (PR). Along with other centers from the program, CVMR collected in Maringá approximately 9,500 tons of residues.

  • It supported the National Association of Collectors (ANCAT), which, from 2015 to 2017, was responsible for selling around 90,000 tons of recyclable materials through support to cooperatives of collectors.

  • It created the JBS Reverse Logistics Program: cooperatives in the states of Sao Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul responded for the sale of over 650 tons of recyclable materials until 2017. Among the Program’s actions there is training for recyclable material collectors and investment in infrastructure and equipment for cooperatives and associations of collectors.

  • Support to the Campaign “Separate. Don’t Stop”, an initiative from the Coalition for Environmental Awareness and Education about the correct disposal of recyclable waste through social media and actions Sao Paulo (SP). To learn more about the campaigns, click here and visit the website from the Movement “Separate. Don’t Stop”.

  • In 2018, it joined the Program City+, supporting the management of selective collection and cooperatives of collectors from the cities selected. Currently, the program has operations in the following locations:


To learn more about what Coalition Packages has done since its creation, click here.

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