
A fundamental part in the protection and safety of food, from processing to the consumer’s table, packaging also needs to be disposed of carefully. For this reason, JBS encourages the return of packaging to the production chain, in an effort to contribute to recycling and diminish the impact of landfill disposal.

In research and development projects, the company is working to reduce the thickness of the packaging, switching to packaging materials that are easier to recycle and to reuse in recycling projects for materials to be employed in other products within the process.

JBS also develops processes that reduce packaging losses and costs, 86% of which are made of materials from a renewable source


Since 2014, the research and development (R&D) teams in Brazil have been working on adapting packaging to comply with the environmental labeling rules established by the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT NBR 16182). The regulations standardize the symbols that inform consumers about the proper post-consumption disposal of the packaging.

This makes it possible, for example, to segregate dry and wet waste, forwarding it for selective collection and subsequent sorting. This contributes to the continuous improvement of the recycling chains of several sectors of materials.


Another front of operation from the Research & Development (R&D) areas aims at reducing the volume of primary (in direct contact with the product), secondary and tertiary product packaging.

To learn more about the data reported on the Company's performance in Packaging use and their efficiency, access the JBS Performance Indicators.

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