
Know the commitments made by the Company in Brazil.


Livestock Technical Committee

Seara is a member of the Livestock Technical Committee, from the quality certifier Global GAP, targeted at discussing trends, requirements and parameters on Animal Welfare worldwide.

Click Here to learn more about the initiative

Use of antibiotics

Seara has a detailed policy regarding the use of antibiotics. The use of medicines, vaccines and other substances not authorized by Seara is strictly prohibited, and the use of products that are not supplied by the technical assistance team is prohibited.

The responsible use of medicines and vaccines is one of the requirements listed in the Partnership Agreement, described in the Technical Guidance documents and Batch Monitoring Sheets, in addition to being reemphasized during all training sessions given by the technical team.


Collective gestation

In 2015, Seara embraced the commitment to make the transition from individual to collective gestation in 100% of pig production.

New projects or expansions are now being built according to this standard and, in addition, the company has supported its integrated producers in complying with this agreement, so that its entire chain can progressively adapt to the collective gestation system by 2025.

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