Audits and Certificates

The Food Safety and Quality Assurance management by JBS is based on monitoring three areas:

The actions include from care in purchasing raw materials to audits in the standard the products are presented in the point of sale, including also strict controls in the production process and distribution. To ensure each step in the process, training sessions are conducted with the Team Members, clients, and an annual recycling is conducted with other agents from the process, with exchange of experiences about best practices.

Among the main practices adopted to ensure that products from different JBS brands get to consumers and meet the strictest quality and safety standards, there are food-related risk management and assessment systems, committees and discussion forums with area experts, certification processes, accurate labeling systems, as well as regular internal and external audits and inspections, conducted both by health missions and by clients in the Company’s facilities.

JBS SA's policy is to continuously improve the quality of its processes and products, to meet the needs of its customers and shareholders, to invest in the training of its employees, to ensure the safety of consumers, in compliance with legal requirements, the community and environment, with a focus on sustainable development.


JBS has different certifications of the type BRC (British Retail Consortium), the mains global benchmark in protein production quality, in addition to complying with ISO 9001, quality management standards, among others. These certifications guarantee access to an even broader market, especially to international clients.

Additionally, to certify the Guarantee of Origin from its products, JBS maintains the Supply Chain Protocol. Through it, the strict quality control of its production chain is further enhanced. The protocol goes beyond the regulations in force, joining procedures from protocols on animal welfare, traceability, sustainability, operation, production, quality, processing and marketing, as well as the strictest global certifications.


Different controls in each market

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