How can I contact the Customer Care Service (SAC)?
You can contact the SAC from each JBS brand (Friboi, Swift and Seara). Click here to access the Customer Care Service.
I bought a JBS product and it had problems (difference in flavor or appearance, expiration date exceeded, violated package). How should I proceed?
Please contact the SAC from the brand of the product purchased clicking here. Our team will understand what the problem was and present the most adequate solution to your case.


How can I generate a second copy of the payment slip?
To generate payment slips, click here.


I have a business and want to sell/use products from JBS. Who can I talk to?
To make sure your request is adequately sent to the Commercial Team, please contact the SAC from the brand you want to purchase. Click here.
I want to buy a specific product from JBS. How can I know where to find it in my city?
The SAC team may help you. Click here to access the Customer Care Service from the brand you want to buy.


How can I take part on the selection processes from JBS?
Please check the open positions here and register your résumé on the Career page, clicking here. You can also access the opportunities at JBS via LinkedIn.

I am a journalist and need to talk to the Press Office area from JBS. How can I contact?
To talk to the Press Office Team, please send an e-mail to or call +55 (11) 3144-4000.

I am an investor and need to access financial information from JBS. Where do I find this information?
Financial information from JBS is public and can be accessed in the portal of Investor Relations. Please click here to access.


I am a student developing a paper and need information about JBS. Where do I find it?
On the JBS website, when clicking the menu “JBS” ”, you will find details about the Company history, Mission and Values, as well as information about Business Units. If you need financial information, please access here the website of Investor Relations.
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