Always do it Right

The company created a Global Compliance Department in 2017, which is headed by José Marcelo Martins Proença. The department is responsible for the JBS Compliance Program, called “Always Do It Right”. The Department reports directly to the Board of Directors to guarantee its independence.

The Program was set up to encourage staff to maintain an ethical and responsible approach across the company, in line with local and international compliance guidelines. As part of the initiative, JBS defined the following Compliance Pillars:

Pillars of the JBS Compliance Program

New Ethics Line were also implemented in 2017, with the JBS Ethics Line available in South America and JBS Ethics Point can be accessed from any country where the Company does business. These channels are available in 11 languages, 24 hours a day and seven days a week and can be contacted by company staff or third parties.

The Business Associate Code of Conduct was launched at the same time to ensure our partners are aware of the standards of conduct we expect.

Communication and Training has also been a focus of attention since the Program began. Every year, the company organizes dozens of internal communication campaigns and thousands of hours of in-person and remote training courses focusing on Compliance issues.

As part of its current control mechanisms, JBS monitors product donations, sponsorships, the offer and/or receipt of promotional items and entertainment and other issues.

Another important area, called Third-Party Reputation Assessment, is also up and running. In this case, the company has developed its own automated tools to carry out detailed analyses of third parties’ reputations.


JBS has created Ethics Committees for each Business Unit to discuss advances in the “Always Do It Right” Program and issues involving the Ethics Line.. These committees meet quarterly or as and when required and committee members are all part of the senior management team.


JBS is a member of several organizations, including the Ethos Institute; the Company has signed the Business Integrity and Anticorruption Compact which the Institute has developed to disseminate best business practices and help build a more ethical and responsible market. JBS is also involved in Ethos Institute working groups looking at a number of ethics and integrity issues.

JBS was top of all food sector companies in the organization’s 2018 report, classified as the company with the most transparent international operations. Read more here.

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