
February 25, 2021

JBS engages livestock farmers in Pará to raise sustainability parameters

Initiative is coordinated with the support of the NGO Solidaridad […]
February 25, 2021
lavoura pecuária com gado

JBS expands coverage of the Social Biofuel Seal and expects to include a further 200 small producers

In four years, the Company has invested around R$ 5 […]
February 25, 2021
epitacio jbs

JBS begins construction of new benchmark sustainable plant

New development at Presidente Epitácio will house the bioactive collagen […]
February 18, 2021
stand de produtos árabe jbs

JBS rolls out innovation-focused products at the largest food trade show in the Middle East

Seara, Friboi, NovaProm and the Company’s other global businesses will […]
February 10, 2021
epitacio jbs

JBS begins construction of plant in SP that will be a benchmark in sustainability

New development at Presidente Epitácio will house the bioactive collagen […]
February 8, 2021
mulher de camisa azul

JBS partnership is the benchmark in animal welfare

Livestock breeder, Carmen Perez, owner of the Orvalho das Flores […]
December 21, 2020
cdp disclosure insight action

JBS advances in global sustainability ranking

Levantamento anual da CDP aponta que a Companhia subiu para A- em Mudanças Climáticas e ficou bem posicionada em outros critérios reportados
March 31, 2020


Checkout the health and safe measures adopted by JBS against COVID-19   [...]
March 3, 2020

Compliance at Seara 2020 Convention

We use the Nação Seara energy to get closer to Business during the 2020 [...]
March 3, 2020

Due Diligence System is a success at JBS

The supplier reputational assessment tool performed more than 9,000 analyzes in 2019 [...]
Newsletter: Saiba mais sobre a JBS Newsletter: Saiba mais sobre a JBS