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Through its operations, JBS has major social impact in the regions where it is present. Many production plants are located in areas far from major urban centers, which makes the Company responsible for most of the generation of direct and indirect job positionslocally. Additionally, in the United States, Canada and Brazil, for example, the JBS Units are a gateway for immigrants from several parts of the world to join the work market.

JBSalways aims at continuously contributing to the development of communities surrounding its operations, through support to severalinitiatives targeted at the education and qualification of children and teenagers, professional qualification of youngsters and adults, and the qualification and social inclusion of people with disabilities.Each Business platform has autonomy to define how it will operate in this segment – through sponsorships, volunteering actions or direct investments.

JBS USA, on its part, has a long history of partnerships with different non-profit organizations. To ensure that volunteering actions, sponsorships and donations have a significant impact, the Company supports initiatives that benefit schools, hospitals and assistance organizations and encourages its team members to engage in initiatives conducted or supported.

JBS USA gives priority to organizations that support groups in vulnerable conditions, foster the development and well-being of young people, encourage agriculture, offer support to their members, promote diversity and help local communities.


229 youngsters graduated since 2010.

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Project dedicated to
communities of immigrants
who live in Canada.

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“Farming Against Cancer”

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Integration and
adaptation in the workplace

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Donation helps the community
of Marshalltown after hurricane.

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Social inclusion
through gastronomy

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229 youngsters graduated since 2010.

JBS is the main supporter of the Germinare Institute, a non-profit organization targeted at free, high-quality, full-time education to students from the 6th year of Elementary School to the final year of High School. Its methodology complements the traditional curriculum, with activities focused on fostering an entrepreneur mindset. The project offers training in business management, through volunteer action by professionals from JBS, who take the practical expertise and experiences from the corporate day-to-day life to the students. At the end of High School, which is integrated to the professional qualification course, the students get a technical diploma in Business Management. Focused on the commercial and sales areas, the program develops young potentials to take leadership positions at JBS, working as a career accelerator.

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Project dedicated to communities of immigrants who live in Canada.

As a way to benefit the local community where it operates, JBS Food Canada signed in 2017 a partnership with the government of Brooks, in the province of Alberta, to refurbish the local community facility. The Company donated US$ 1 million to the project for expansion of the JBS Canada Centre, including the construction of a multisport arena, a soccer center and a space for children, improvements to the gym and to the facilities for curling, an Olympic sport that is very popular in Canada, in addition to doubling the size of the local library.

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Campaign “Farming Against Cancer””

Friboi supports the Hospital de Amor, in Barretos (SP), through the campaign “Farming Against Cancer”, with the goal of encouraging farmers to contribute to the monthly costs of this institution. Livestock producers to JBS are encouraged to donate R$ 1 to the Hospital from the sale of each animal to the Company. Every year, the institution offers free service to approximately 170,000 patients with cancer.

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Social inclusion through gastronomya

Sponsored by Friboi since 2013, the initiative has the goal of promoting the social inclusion of people with Down Syndrome through gastronomy. Among the actions carried out by the project, there are free workshops with famous chefs, who use culinary as a tool for developing the autonomy, self-esteem and motor skills of this group. Offering a free service, the action has 300 fixed students every year.

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Integration and adaptation in the workplace

Created in 2018, its goal is to promote awareness, integration and adaptation of people with disabilities in their workplace, including Teams and areas of conviviality, thus improving the process for attracting and retaining these people. Currently, JBS has people with disabilities among its Team Members, in different areas and segments throughout Brazil.

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Donation helps the community of Marshalltown after hurricane.

The commitment from JBS with the communities where it operates is intensified in crisis situations. In the small town of Marshalltown, state of Iowa, JBS USA conducted major work to support the population, after a tornado damaged and/or destroyed 700 houses and injured 17 people in July 2018. As the biggest local employer, JBS USA actively participated in the movement for rebuilding the city. Teams of employees helped since the first moment to remove rubble, rebuild houses and provide food. In August 2018, the Company forwarded approximately US$ 1 million to the efforts for rebuilding the community.

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