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Latest News

March 15, 2021

Seara debuts in fish and seafood segment

Seara is expanding its offering of protein for consumers and has just debuted in the fish and segment [...]
March 12, 2021

JBS donates a further 10 respirators to the State of Paraná

JBS is delivering this Friday (12) an additional 10 respirators to the State of Paraná. In 2020, the Company [...]
March 10, 2021

JBS is retaining the consulting services of Rachel Maia and has joined the Women’s 360 Movement

JBS Brazil has just hired the consulting services of Rachel Maia to bolster its actions in diversity [...]
March 8, 2021

JBS is donating hospital equipment and resources to Santa Catarina

JBS is delivering 50 respirators to the state of Santa Catarina – 40 devices arrive today (5) and the rest [...]
March 5, 2021

Friboi Prepared Foods brand expands portfolio

Among the recent launches by Anglo, the highlights are the […]
March 1, 2021
Colaboradora jbs mexendo no equipamento

JBS creates 160 openings for new graduates across Brazil

Opportunities are for the courses in management, engineering, veterinary medicine […]
February 26, 2021
Picanha 1953 friboi e sua caixa que contem hambúrguer gourmet

Friboi supply chain seal extends audit to Prepared Foods area

The Company has also renewed the certification of the unprocessed […]
February 18, 2021
stand de produtos árabe jbs

JBS rolls out innovation-focused products at the largest food trade show in the Middle East

Seara, Friboi, NovaProm and the Company’s other global businesses will […]
February 10, 2021
epitacio jbs

JBS begins construction of plant in SP that will be a benchmark in sustainability

New development at Presidente Epitácio will house the bioactive collagen […]
February 8, 2021
mulher de camisa azul

JBS partnership is the benchmark in animal welfare

Livestock breeder, Carmen Perez, owner of the Orvalho das Flores […]
February 2, 2021

JBS invests R$ 60 million in expanding the Jaguariúna (SP) plant

JBS has invested R$ 60 million in expanding its plant in Jaguariúna (SP) to raise production [...]
January 18, 2021

JBS is sending 400 cylinders of oxygen to Manaus

This is roughly equivalent to 4,000 m3 of oxygen [...]
Newsletter: Saiba mais sobre a JBS Newsletter: Saiba mais sobre a JBS