April 2, 2020

JBS will donate 2 million soaps

Kits will be delivered to elderly care facilities and favelas […]
April 2, 2020

JBS donates hygiene products to indigenous villages

Kits with alcohol gel, sanitizers and liquid soap will support […]
March 27, 2020


During the Covid-19 pandemic that has had everyone worried, JBS has remained [...]
March 6, 2020

JBS Couros unveils new collection at Lineapelle 2020

"Market of Fashion" was produced using the Kind Leather concept [...]
March 4, 2020

JBS Ambiental expands waste management in 2019

The Company recycled 17,000 tons of material in 2019 [...]
January 13, 2020

JBS reinforces Compliance initiatives

The Company implemented a third-party reputation assessment system and generated more than 9,000 analyses [...]
January 10, 2020

Friboi starts operating a new facility in Mato Grosso state

Company has invested over R$ 70 million in the acquisition […]
January 3, 2020

Seara Alimentos introduces Linha Incrível

Seara innovates and develops key ingredient for 100% vegetable protein […]
December 27, 2019

Seara plant in Dourados collects more than two tons of food for institutions in the region

Employees from the Seara plant in Dourados (MS) start on […]
December 18, 2019

Seara plant in Jaguariúna promotes Christmas action for children of employees

The Seara plant in Jaguariúna held on Friday (13 th […]
Newsletter: Saiba mais sobre a JBS Newsletter: Saiba mais sobre a JBS