
February 10, 2021
epitacio jbs

JBS begins construction of plant in SP that will be a benchmark in sustainability

New development at Presidente Epitácio will house the bioactive collagen […]
February 8, 2021
mulher de camisa azul

JBS partnership is the benchmark in animal welfare

Livestock breeder, Carmen Perez, owner of the Orvalho das Flores […]
February 2, 2021

JBS invests R$ 60 million in expanding the Jaguariúna (SP) plant

JBS has invested R$ 60 million in expanding its plant in Jaguariúna (SP) to raise production [...]
January 18, 2021

JBS is sending 400 cylinders of oxygen to Manaus

This is roughly equivalent to 4,000 m3 of oxygen [...]
January 5, 2021
arvores grandes com folhas verdes

B3 confirms JBS in the Carbon Efficient Index

JBS been selected once again to be part of the Carbon Efficient Index (ICO2) portfolio of B3 [...]
December 31, 2020
Caminhão da friboi

JBS starts transportation using low-carbon trucks

Friboi and Seara recently started a pilot project involving vehicular natural gas [...]
December 30, 2020

JBS hands over the project that revitalized the “Mini Center” of the Cauá Mission Hospital located in Dourados (MS)

This Wednesday (30th of December), JBS hands over to the city of Dourados (MS) the revitalization [...]
December 29, 2020

Friboi renews partnership with the “Instituto Chefs Especiais”

Reflecting its social commitment, Friboi has extended its partnership with the "Instituto Chefs Especiais" [...]
December 21, 2020
cdp disclosure insight action

JBS advances in global sustainability ranking

Levantamento anual da CDP aponta que a Companhia subiu para A- em Mudanças Climáticas e ficou bem posicionada em outros critérios reportados
December 17, 2020

JBS donates medical equipment to accelerate Covid-19 testing in Brazil

JBS, through its social responsibility program ‘Good Deeds are Good – Feeding the World with Solidarity’, donated 21 RNA extractors and 62 extraction kits to the Ministry of Health.
Newsletter: Saiba mais sobre a JBS Newsletter: Saiba mais sobre a JBS